With our well stocked first aid kits you will respond effectively to common injuries and emergencies. Make sure to keep one in your home and in your car. Our First Aid Kits are durable, easy to carry, and simple to use. Each kit comes with a manual so you can better understand how to use the contents of your kit. This kit is sure to resolve any injuries with no problems or difficulties.
All First Aid Kits must be checked periodically. Replace missing items or medicines that may have expired.
What You'll Need
Include the following in each of your first-aid kits:
- first-aid manual
- sterile gauze pads of different sizes
- adhesive tape
adhesive bandages in several sizes
- elastic bandage
- a splint
- antiseptic wipes
- soap
- antibiotic ointment
- antiseptic solution (like hydrogen peroxide)
- hydrocortisone cream (1%)
- acetaminophen and ibuprofen
- extra prescription medications (if the family is going on vacation)
- tweezers
- sharp scissors
- safety pins
- disposable instant cold packs

- calamine lotion
- alcohol wipes or ethyl alcohol
- thermometer
- tooth preservation kit
- plastic non-latex gloves (at least 2 pairs)
- flashlight and extra batteries
- a blanket
- mouthpiece for administering CPR (can be obtained from your local Red Cross)
- your list of emergency phone numbers
- blanket (stored nearby)